So when I started this whole blogging adventure I was unaware of just how many decisions I would have to make in a short period of time in order to have my very one piece of webistate (Real Estate on the Web. Has anyone ever used that before? If not I call dibs.) What web address do you want? (Too bad all the good ones were already taken) What format do you want to use? Do you want a picture on your profile? Public or Private? Searchable or Non-searchable? Can anyone post? Do I want adult content or content just for kids? And what is your Title? Almost as imposing a question as "What is your Quest?" I did pretty well until the Title question, and then I froze. I couldn't think of anything good, or unique, or funny, or thoughtful. So I came up with two one word questions. (I don't even think that is really grammatically possible, but that never stopped me before.) I felt really sheepish about my Title, and resolved to work on coming up with a new one.
I have always liked music, and I have seen some friends use Music very well on their sites. So I decided to scour some of my favorite bands for a lyric that I thought would be fitting. I came across several and then had to narrow it down to one to represent everything this blog will EVER be. Ok, probably a bit dramatic.
I decided on "Tomorrow Is No Place To Place Your Better Days." I have a tough time not procrastinating, so I thought that would be a fitting thought to have every time I log in to blog - a small reminder to not wait until later to do what I want to. No reason why I can't start being the person I want to be today. Also, seeing as how I this blog will be a surrogate journal it should be a record of what happened today (or yesterday, or last week, but at least the recent get the idea), I figured this new selection would be a kick in the pants to keep up with my new found hobby of blogging.
So there you have it. Also, first person to identify the song the lyric comes from gets a gold star.
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