Tuesday, May 13, 2008


I think I have done a pretty good job of overcoming my competitiveness.  I don't say this out of pride.  Many times I wish I was more competitive or had the same drive I had when I was younger to win or at the very least know that "I left it all out on the field."  Going forward I need to make an effort to get that back.  I settle too much.  

Anyway,  the reason I bring this up is that I got recruited to play on a friends softball team a few weeks ago.  They placed me at pitcher.  I haven't pitched in softball ever, and I maybe pitched two or three innings in Little League.  There is a good reason it wasn't more - I wasn't good at throwing strikes.  (But I could throw far for my age, so I played center field)  

I was actually a pretty good pitcher for the team.  I struck out 5 or 6 batters over the course of 4 games, and I think I only had 4 walks.  Not a bad ratio for softball.  However our record was 1-3 during that stretch.  Tonight we had a playoff game, and I really wanted to win.  While it isn't all my fault, we got smoked.  I'm pretty frustrated not only with our defense, but also the fact that I was 1 for 3 from the plate.  Normally I have a much higher batting average, in fact in Little League I was the go to hitter.  While I am sad the season is over, it was nice to feel those competitive juices again, and I think I will try and do more sports to get some of that competitiveness on a more regular basis.  And in the meantime I'll work on my batting so I am more prepared for the next season of softball.

1 comment:

  1. There's no I in TEAM. Or LOSER for that matter.

    never mind.
