Sunday, April 20, 2008

Bakers Dozen?

Some of our local church leaders have challenges our congregation to learn a set of scripture verses that we call "The Articles of Faith."  Today during church a representative of these leaders, after stressing the importance of the challenge and speaking about how he believes it is inspired, asked the congregation how many of us had memorized all 12 verses.  Too bad there are actually 13 verses.  The best part is the speaker didn't realize his mistake until several people on the stand said 13, progressively louder, until the speaker heard them.   Poor guy, he started off his talk with several jokes that didn't get so much as a courtesy laugh (he even paused expecting laughter, and almost didn't believe that there wasn't any) and this mistake drew the biggest laughs of the day.  At least he knew a majority of the congregation was paying attention.


  1. Ahhh...I hate the pre-talk jokes. It's always so awkward.

  2. I know the 10 Articles of Faith and the 13 Commandments. That's right. Look at me.
